Lets Truck With Kevin Rutherford

August 30 | Trucking: DestinationHealth



Our guest on the show is Dr. Kenneth Brown creator of Atrantil, also a Board Certified Gastroenterologist. ATRANTÍL CHANGES THE CYCLE NATURALLY—AND GETS YOUR DIGESTION BACK ON TRACK - For millions, bloating and abdominal discomfort sometimes accompanied by a change in bowel habits make life miserable. New research shows that the problems start with methane-producing bacteria is present where it shouldn't be. Left untreated, these out-of-place bacteria feed off the foods you eat and create methane gas that can leave you bloated and uncomfortable. The problem isn't all in your mind - it's in your digestive tract. Atrantil:https://letstruck.com/collect…/supplements/products/atrantil Leaky Gut Kit: 15day or 30 dayhttps://letstruck.com/products/leaky-gut-kit…