Losing Our Religion

I'M A LOSER: Losing New Years Resolutions: Marc Maron Made Me Think



Now that you're almost a month into the New Year and the resolution talk has faded. How are you doing? This new Losing Our Religion format highlights losing New Years Resolutions and the religious imposition they enforce upon us. It's a discussion about setting our personal agendas without imposing it on others. It's a chat about my struggles with expectations and whether they are worth having. If you're like a lot of Americans, you've already become disillusioned with your goals and resolutions. Upset at yourself and frustrated that the promises of the social media "life coaches" for New Year change have left you the same, or worse, just depressed that you can't be all they say you can be. Some people have accused me of being cynical, and I don't in any way argue with their assessment. However, I consider myself a realist and consumeristic Americana just doesn’t work for me anymore. So what's the alternative? Maybe this show can spark our imaginations to find new ways.   Join the CounterCulture Society: http