Losing Our Religion

EPISODE 018: A Clean Whiteboard: Lynn Morrow



Lynn Morrow is a rad chick! Our inside joke was that, "I went into the bar looking for a blonde but ended up with a brunette.” LOL. You'll have to listen to know why that's funny. She's a former "pastor/church director" who has come out as a lesbian, and outside of that has now found freedom in wiping the whiteboard clean. Tune in to hear her story and find out what all of this means. Lynn was born on the mission field. Educated in Bible College and seminary. Former Pastor....errr I mean "Director" (as it wasn't ok to call her, a female, a pastor during her time on church staff). Though gratefully owning her sexuality as an important part of who she is, Lynn also views it as simply one of the many pieces of her identity.  She is a strategist in mind, an athlete in body, and a seeker in spirit. Lynn is a lover of life who desires to bridge the gap between the LGBTQ and church communities through dialogue, discernment, and leaning into authenticity over comfort. Lynn is currently serving as a professional execu