Losing Our Religion

EPISODE 007: They're Not All Bad Right?: Nathan Parrish



Welcome, my friend Nathan Parrish to the show. Nathan does tattooing - art - and music - IN FACT he's currently touring with Christian Mega Group KUTLESS, that's what he does.  But what we do, doesn't define who we are.  Nathan is a good man, an inquisitive doubter like myself, and someone whose curiosity just doesn't let him roll over and obey someone's commands just because they said so.  Like me, he wants to know why. What happened to that?  When we were kids, we asked why about everything.  Or at least until annoyed parents or insecure, non-compassionate loud mouth authority figures shouted, "BECAUSE I TOLD YOU SO!" Well like me, "because I told you so", didn't work for Nate.  So he began to study, to read, to learn why he couldn't ask why, and what he found...well...he can tell you for himself. But unlike me, Nate still believes in institutional religion.  His experiences are different, and his desires are different, and he believes there's hope still in the machine.  If you know me, you know I'm at a di