Shift The Story Podcast

May - Listener - Thinker with Del Piper and Beca Lewis - Shift The Story Podcast



I admit it, this is one of my favorite months. Not just because it is “our” month, and I have so many friends and family born in May, not just because it can be one of the most beautiful months of the year - no, it’s more than that. I love that May is the listener - thinker. Listening, and thinking sometimes appear to be lost arts in our hurry up and shut up world that we live in. In this month we can practice the idea of silence, and discover its treasures. In this podcast we celebrate May by talking about the symbols of the listening woman, the color black, deer, the hawk, ant, and armadillo. Plus the number 5 with all the symbols of what it means in many cultures around the world. I love that we can always count on the silence to hear any message that we need to hear. It’s that message, coming from within, that carries truth and power. Let’s continue to practice the arts of listening and thinking, it can only make our world a much better place, and our lives rich beyond measure.