The Wade Alters Show

My Facebook Ad Hack That Gets Me Engaged Fans (… for pennies!)



Woooohieee! Man, if you’ve ever thought of using social media to drive traffic for your business, I have a gift for you. When you’re new at building a business and have no presence, it can one of the biggest things to hold you back. How do you know if people like your content / product / service when you can’t find your biggest fans online?! This was actually a major struggle for me also, when I separated from the dating company I used to work for. I had to relinquish the platform I had spent years building with them. On top of that, my email software got hacked (as well as a bunch of other people on the same platform), and it completely destroyed my open-rates from 30% to 7%. I struggled to keep the business alive and I had to come up with a new strategy to drive traffic to my website… But, I had an ace up my sleeve! I had connections with Social Media Experts through my coaching business, and I used their insights to gain leverage over social media platforms. The strategy they helped create grew my Instagra