Blue Falcon Podcast

Blue Falcon Podcast Episode Six



We here at the Pit Crew are back to the regular swing of things in our first post-E3 episode.  All the major news since the main event is discussed in detail, and we read your answers to our question from last month: what surprised you the most at E3 2015?  Some answers may surprise you.Adam reviews Ori and the Blind Forest in our Pit Crew Review so be sure to chime in with your thoughts on the game as well.In Shop Talk, we discuss the cuts that were revealed in the Smash Bros series, Unity updates, and the market demand (or lack thereof) for MMOs and MOBAs.Be sure to subscribe and answer our listener question, which is:What game have you always wanted to complete but never could?  This could be for any number of reasons, so give us your best excuse!Drop us a line anytime out our page as well: www.bluefalconpitcrew.comShow me your moves!!!