The Wade Alters Show

The Sneaky Way I Meet Multi-Millionaires w/ Chris Reynolds



I never thought I would say this, but I love living the podcast lifestyle. I’ve literally just been catching up with old friends and seeing  I'm learning from the best entrepreneurs in the world, while a warm ocean breeze drifts through my office… It doesn’t any better than that! Soon I’ll begin reaching out to bigger influencers, entrepreneurs and investors. Learning how they accumulated their wealth, their mindsets, and how they were able to escape the rat-race. Because most people are wasting their energy staying in the 9-5 grind... Just another cog in the machine. Drudging through the workday and waiting for Friday. Rather than connecting with something they love, structuring their life how they want, and reaching the top of their game and abilities. So I’m going to show you how to level up your network (and your net-worth!) I brought on Chris Reynolds (from The Business Method Podcast), and he shares how he built his audience from zero followers and turned it into a massive coaching program for entrepren