Founders And Funders

EP 25: How Edrizio De La Cruz Became a Y Combinator Success Story



This founder journey is one of persistence and eventual success, as Edrizio De La Cruz took his million-dollar idea from the South Bronx to Silicon Valley. Subscribe to Founders and Funders on iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, Google Play, iHeartRADIO, and Android Podcast Players. Episode Summary Edrizio De La Cruz has always worked hard. From selling guavas on the streets of the Dominican Republic to bagging groceries in the South Bronx, the entrepreneur sought a better life for himself and an underserved community for years before his big break came from Y Combinator. Now he's CEO of the FinTech startup Arcus, a Chestnut Street Ventures investment. Y Combinator provides seed funding, mentorship, and training for startups, but acceptance into the program meant even more than that to De La Cruz. "It was a relief," he says of the experience. "It was either get funding or die. It's like being thrown a life preserver when you're drowning in the middle of the ocean. That's literally how it felt." Now, just a few year