The Wade Alters Show

The Truth About YouTube Success with Julien Blanc



Mannnn oh man. This is probably the BEST Podcast I've ever done. I've been trying for MONTHS to get Julien to come onto the show and share what he's been up to since he's left the Dating world. For those of you who don't know, Julien has evolved into doing Self-Help & Spirituality, something he's become more authentically aligned with. It was pretty similar for me when I left the pickup industry, and transitioned into lifestyle development & business consulting. The amount of HATE we both got after leaving the dating world was nuts. I couldn't believe guys (who I didn't even know) we're reaching out to my parents on Facebook and telling them I should go back to teaching Dating advice (and sending them threats)! It made it even more difficult to move on to the new chapter of my life... But hey, it's part of the game and it comes with the territory. Because when we re-invent ourselves, we have to let go of the past and evolve into what we’re truly authentic with. And usually haters are going to be right