Patience & Hustle Daily

Patience & Hustle Daily - Stop Procrastinating



Too many people want to wait to start doing something. That’s call procrastination. They want to wait to have everything in order, or wait to have the website built, wait to have a plan, or wait to have enough inventory, or wait for whatever excuse they come up with. It’s procrastination.   There may be some things that need to in place before you can fully execute on something. Take for instance, if you wanted to invest in real estate, but you don’t have the funds, you kind of have to wait on that. In the meantime, though, what could you be doing? For something like this, you have to wait because money is a factor, you could be taking action to go out and make more money to get the finances quicker. You also could be educating yourself more, so when you have the funds to drop, you’re even more educated.   If it’s something like, you want to start a blog, or a vlog, a podcast, you want to sell tshirt or your art, you want to do photography. You don’t have to wait for these things. You have a cell phone, you c