Patience & Hustle Daily

Patience & Hustle Daily - Have Integrity



Bitcoin - The New Nigerian Prince It seems like at least 2 times a week, I get a message from someone claiming they can get 200, 300, even 400% returns on investment. I already know what they’re trying to sell me…something about bitcoin, and mining bit coin. It’s a scam, we all know that. These bitcoin scammers are the new Nigerian princes. It is a total waste of my time to sit there and humor them, by replying back. They usually open up conversation with something about an opportunity, and I simply reply back “Send me your best pitch.” Then the fun begins. They tell me all about this big scam, and send me these pictures of text messages from supposed investors. The thing is, they’re all using the same photos of these text streams. The exact same photos. You can read these fake text streams, and be like “Yeah, that’s fake…” Then after you humor them for a short bit, you call them out, they get angry, then block you. With all that being said, this is what I want to tell you about. Have integrity. Sell somethin