Patience & Hustle Daily

Patience & Hustle Daily - Rejection



When you’re doing sales, and you keep getting rejections, you can start to think “what’s wrong with me?” You have a great product, you ask the right questions, you bring a great amount of value, but you keep getting rejection.   The truth is, it may just not be the right time for the buyer.  It may be the right product, it may be the right price, everything is good…it just legitimately is not the right time. That’s why persistence, and follow up, and rapport building are so important.   Staying on the mind of the prospect, continually giving value when you follow up, is important. One day, that prospect is going to need your product, and will be in a position to invest in your product, and you best be the first one on their mind when that happens.   If you’re worried about not obtaining this one prospect, if you’re freaking out, then your pipeline is too small. You need to be hammering on doors, punching digits on a phone, typing out tweets, snapping some chats, being on facebook, Instagram, youtube, everywhe