Patience & Hustle Daily

Patience & Hustle Daily - Recovered



I'm now recovered after a few days of resting, getting re-energized, re-committed, and re-focused.   Here is an excerpt from my latest blog to talk about what happened:   I dropped a cookie on the floor   Kind of a strange name for a blog, I know. This really happened though. Twice. In the same evening. It’s currently Saturday morning, 00:34 or 12:34am, as I am writing this. This week has left me physically, and mentally exhausted. Mid way through the week I was feeling drained. I couldn’t hold myself together it seemed. The best way to describe how I was feeling, was that I dropped two chocolate chip cookies on the floor. I love chocolate chip cookies. What a waste of a good cookie. That’s when I knew my body was feeling the wear of the work, and time I have been putting in. Working a day job 7-5, then working out 30min-1hr after work, then doing another 2-3 hours of my side work. I’ve been doing this routine for a while, and I could feel my body needing rest. I continued to push through regardless.   Read t