Patience & Hustle Daily

Patience & Hustle Daily - What You Learned About Money



  There is a gap in the educational system, that doesn’t teach people how to handle money. They don’t teach how to make it. They don’t teach how to keep it. They for sure do not teach how to multiply it. #1 Sales is not a bad trade. We all have had bad experiences with sales people, or maybe with ourselves in sales. It’s because the salesperson didn’t know what they’re doing, so they had to use bad techniques which turned into a bad experience. #2 It’s ok to get your money right. It’s not greedy. You shame people who have wealth, while we sit here and struggle financially. Would you still shame a wealthy person if you suddenly found wealth? If you were no longer struggling with finances, and could help your family financially, would you still hate that people are wealthy? No. You wouldn’t. So stop hating and focus on your life, and getting your money right. #3 College education is becoming more and more inefficient. It’s not a guarantee you’ll get a job. I talk to so many people who have degrees, that no l