Patience & Hustle Daily

Patience & Hustle Daily - Cut Out, Then Add More



Sometimes it’s better to cut things out, rather than trying to add more. There is a time for more, but that is not what this episode is about. This episode is about learning when to cut things out of your life that are not adding value. What to look for: If people in your life are adding drama, and stealing your time, it’s time to have that serious conversation with them that you cannot spend as much time with them, and sometimes not any time with them. Your time is precious, it’s limited, and you have no time for their drama anymore. What about how you spend down time? You may need to cut those time wasting video streaming programs out. I know for me, I would sit and binge on a show for hours every single day. I love movies, and tv shows, but what ends up happening is that I take moments for myself, and end up taking a few hours. Those services make binge watching very easy, and it can be very addicting. Cutting things out is a lot more challenging than adding more. The benefit though is far greater. Cutting