Patience & Hustle Daily

Patience & Hustle Daily - Between The Idea & The End Result



Take action on your ideas! With GUSTO!!!  Which is “enjoyment or vigor in doing something. Style of artistic execution” Write down that idea, and get in the habit of taking action. But how? By doing. Sounds easy enough, and it is! This is a like a muscle, you have to work it, on a regular basis, in order to build its strength, or to tone and define it. Here’s an example: I had this idea to put my podcast logo on a coffee mug, and on the other side the customer could customize it to have their name, favorite hashtag, quote, or whatever on the other.  Do I know how to make this really work? No. But, I took action, and will figure it out as I go. It’s a cool idea, and I acted on it. If it works out, awesome. If not, awesome. I took action on an idea, a cool idea at that. I lose nothing, but could gain a lot. Think about all of those ideas you once had. Maybe you had this idea where instead of people calling a taxi cab, they can call you for a ride instead. So instead of getting a taxi that had cigarette burns in