Patience & Hustle Daily

Patience & Hustle Daily - Rethink Your Content



Rethink Your Content I see so many videos, and ads, a lot of people trying to sell their stuff, and position themselves as experts. I know all they’re doing is trying to sell me. I’m turned off by that and I just keep swiping. I did an experiment Saturday, where I made a video of me drinking from my signature Patience & Hustle mug, and proposed a giveaway. The first person to correctly guess what I was drinking, would win their own Patience & Hustle coffee cup. This video, as of recording this podcast, had 117 views, 55 likes, 41 comments, 8 profile visits and 1 click on link in my bio. It reached 275 accounts, left 370 impressions, and gained about 9 followers. Now, RULE #1 of creating content… DO NOT get too hung up on Insight analytics. “But Lance, you just read all that stuff off. You hypocrite!” Stay with me, there is a reason I did that. I know you are staring at the analytics on your social, and yes they do hold some value, but honestly the likes, the impressions, the shares, all of that, it do