Patience & Hustle Daily

Patience & Hustle Daily - First Step: Mindset



Can you teach someone the core elements that made you successful?   Have you ever thought about that?   Yesterday I mentioned some of the core elements, I want to dive a little deeper into how this came about.   I wanted to write out what changed I had to make to get the success that I have.   I’m not super rich, or a CEO, or full time entrepreneur, but I have had success with running a freelance, and being promoted to management in the workspace. So I can only teach success, up to the point that I have achieved it.   What I have been able to accomplish, is some solid groundwork to build on.   Here’s the foundational pieces, Mindset, Self-Improvement, Giving Back, Success, Networking.   Let’s start with mindset today:   I work with a resource center; I do not work for a job. The change here is that you work WITH the company, not FOR the company. You’re on a mission. It’s referred to as a resource center, because this place you call a JOB, is actually a place of learning, growing, improving skills, and gaining