Founders And Funders

EP 31: How a Former Rock Guitarist Invented the Digital Media Supply Chain of the Future



Arjun Mendhi stopped playing music professionally several years ago, but he never stopped studying the space. Now he’s the founder of MTonomy, a blockchain company that's disrupting the digital media supply chain. Subscribe to Founders and Funders on iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, Google Play, iHeartRADIO, and Android Podcast Players. Episode Summary Arjun Mendhi is the CEO and founder of MTonomy, a digital media store built on the blockchain. Using MTonomy, artists can distribute their media globally, protect their content rights, and get paid instantly — all of which was previously impossible. According to Mendhi, the current music industry is broken because it was built for physical media. “Twenty, 30, 40 years ago, we would go to a store and buy some media content like a film or a song," he says. "You would buy a cassette tape and then a CD. The value chain was built around that.” As a result, he says, money has to flow through hundreds of paper contracts, taking about one to three years to swim through th