
Cameron-Brooks Podcast: Episode 65 – The Real Fear Of Missing Out is Choosing NOT to Partner with Cameron-Brooks



Listeners often give me feedback that Cameron-Brooks Podcast Episodes are "fresh" and "not canned or rehearsed."  When Pete Van Epps and I interview our Alumni for these episodes, we do not prepare them ahead of time and only edit episodes when the alumnus asks us to.  We want to ask the questions and then let the  Cameron-Brooks Alumnus provide an honest answer from his or her experience. Keep in mind this concept of allowing our Alumni to be honest in the podcast as you listen to C-B Alumnus, Josh Halu, explain how hard it was for him to agree to partner with Cameron-Brooks 5 years before he made the transition.  Because the Cameron-Brooks Partnership Agreement asks JMOs to wait until after the completion of our Career Conference before they contact other companies or recruiting firms to set up interviews, Josh feared he would be missing out.  Yet, instead he trusted Cameron-Brooks and the process.  Because of his trust, the line up of companies for Josh's January 2016 Conference "shocked" him.  He could n