Phillip Ryan Block

Xavier Whitford | The Open Heart Collective | S3: EP010



It may have taken two takes to get this episode done but it was much more impactful the second time around. The first Open Heart Collective Episodes of 2019 is here. Join me (again) in welcoming Xavier Whitford. - S3: EP010 Xavier Whitford is a Finance professional employed by the City of Rockford for the past 12 years.  When not at work Xavier is the Founder and Executive Director of Tommy Corral Memorial Foundation and Each Breath of Faith. She has spoken at many schools, churches and organizations inspiring groups of all ages to end the stigma surrounding mental health by sharing her insights and story with anyone and everyone who will listen to her effort to “end the silence.” Xavier has been recognized by several local organizations for her commitment and leadership in our community and serves as an active member on three local mental health boards.  As a Mental Health First Aid Instructor, Xavier has taught Mental Health First Aid to hundreds of individuals.  Her personal story, unwaverin