The Wade Alters Show

86. Avoiding Entrepreneurial Burnout w Mario Tomic



Yo whadup! As you know, I had eye issues last year that almost made me blind. … I’ve also pushed myself so hard that I’ve given myself ulcers (you don’t wanna know how bad the pain was...) Doing product launches or going 150% into my business has crashed me in ways I didn’t think was possible. When I ignored my health - it destroyed my life. What I’ve learned is: you have to give health your priority. And with the New Year, it’s one of my top goals to do it now. So this week, I brought on a health coach who has who has spent the past 8 years (and over 10,000+ hours) on nutrition planning, personal fitness and studying the psychology of high performance: Mario Tomic. I don’t wanna be another person who nags you about the “pros and cons” about being healthy... But if you’re an entrepreneur whose really invested into growing your business and getting the lifestyle you want, you’re creating traps for yourself that’ll destroy everything you’ve done if you ignore your health (as I’ve learned from hard-earned exper