Kevin Whitsitt

Go Viral Meaning with Tips and Ideas



Click on the link below to discover tools and special methods that can easily double your affiliate sales. Hello, today I'm going to be talking about go viral meaning and some ideas on how to do this. With any type of business you have to advertise otherwise how are people going to buy the products and services you sale? Traditional advertising are things like TV ads, Radio, Billboards or anything else like it and with the Invention of the Internet things can go viral. This means that people can share something on their social platforms like Facebook or Twitter. Actually there was a way for something to go viral before the Internet and it had to do with Joe Girard, the number 1 car salesman. All of his business came from referalls, which was people telling other people about him. How did he do this? For one he gave people a really, really good deal. Second he gave them incentive to give him business. It's the law of reciprocity. Just with the Intern