Kevin Whitsitt

☑️ Why is Decision Making Important and How to Make Better Ones! ☑️



Click on the link below to view the top skills to learn in Internet Marketing! Hello, today I want to talk about why is decision making important, and a few tips on making better decisions. One of the things that many people struggle with is making a decision. In fact there is a term that I really like called half-pregnancy. I want to do it and I sort of don't. I have a friend who is burnt out with his job, he sort of wants to quit and sort of doesn't, so he may put his leave of abscess in. How do you get anywhere in life if you can't make a decision? You can't, you will just disintegrate. Decisions are important because without them nothing happens. I was thinking about this the other day, and I think a lot of it is fear based. We are scared to screw up. One of the best things I've ever done is walk the Pacific Crest Trail and I looked forward to little things like finding water and rest. By facing that fear, even if I lose everything I k