Kevin Whitsitt



Click on the link below to view the top skill to learn in Digital Marketing! Hey, today I want to talk about scarce meaning in marketing and common scams people use with scarcity and why it's so effective. One of the most powerful tools we have as marketers is scarcity and something being scarce. Scarce is when there isn't a lot of it, think of a diamond and therefore the price goes up. We just want what is scarce, it is the basic principle of economics and that is supply and demand. Diamonds are scarce and therefore the price is high. I used to sale cars at a Honda dealership and the company would only make so many s2000 the little sports car just so we could command a higher price. While the Honda Civic's they would sometimes sale below invoice price, just because there was so many of them. As a marketer there is a correct way to use scarcity in marking and that is if it makes sense. I know a very good internet marketer who creates a product and only