Founders And Funders

EP 36: Andy Palmer Has Worked for 50+ Companies. Now He’s All In with Tamr.



Andy Palmer has oscillated between investing in and operating startups for many years. Now he plans to dedicate the rest of his career to Tamr. Palmer appeared on Founders & Funders to tell us why. Subscribe to Founders and Funders on iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, Google Play, iHeartRADIO, and Android Podcast Players. Episode Summary Employees of large organizations know too well the pain of working on multiple systems—each with its own database. A typical scenario: The enterprise sales team is using a legacy CRM, the small business folks love their spreadsheets, and the account managers lean on a rogue system of their own. If that's not enough, their company is rumored to be merging with another organization that has myriad datasets as well. Disconnected data is costly and operationally inefficient, and it prohibits businesses from being able to compete with larger enterprises such as Amazon or Walmart. Fortunately there's a solution: Tamr. The company—which has offices in Boston, London, and San Francisco—he