Dnxdigital Nomads Podcast With Silvia Christmann

Amber Rae: Choose Wonder over Worry



In this episode, we chat with speaker and artist Amber Rae about how she connects you with your voice of worry and wonder, teaches you to listen to your emotions rather than silence them, and encourages you to seize your dreams. Through a thoughtful blend of vulnerability, soulfulness, and science, Amber Rae guides us in expressing the fullness of who we are and the gifts we're here to give. You don't want to miss this one.  Buy the book at choosewonder.com or your favorite bookstore (Amazon, B&N, local indie) Find Amber Rae on Social:  Instagram / Twitter / Facebook / Personal Site / Book Site   Connect with Silvia: Follow her on Instagram and Twitter Visit her website   Connect with DNX: Get your DNX guide "7 secrets to success … NOW! We reveal our secrets for a successful location-independent lifestyle and show you how to gain personal and financial freedom [www.dnxnews.com] Join our free DNX Facebook Community with thousands of likeminded Digital Nomads and lifehackers [www.dnxcommunity.com]