The Leadx Leadership Show With Kevin Kruse

#061: Close Your Deals By Asking These Powerful Questions | Andrew Sobel



In this episode, we're going to talk about how to build relationships, win new business, and influence others with our guest, Andrew Sobel. He has written eight bestselling books on how to develop enduring professional relationships. You may have also read his work in The New York Times, Business Week, the Harvard Business Review, or seen him on numerous television shows. Today we’ll be talking about his book Power Questions: Build Relationships, Win New Business, and Influence Others. Resources: * – Andrew's Website * @andrewsobel – Andrew on Twitter * Buy Andrew's book, Power Questions: Build Relationships, Win New Business, and Influence Others * Get Andrew's Free Power Tools for Power Questions and Other Resources Sponsored by: * – subscribe to become 1% better every single day Review and Join Our Ambassadors Club: Please consider leaving an honest one- or two-sentence review on iTunes or on Stitcher.  Nothing matters more for bringing the podcast to the