Blended Joy

10: Cheer, Time Management & Encouragment with Justine!



Grab a smoothie and join the conversation I had with my good ole' friend, Justine! Justine is currently a junior at NIU and is in the midst of a busy school year. Despite the whirlwind of junior year, Justine is finding a variety of ways to spread joy to those on campus. Throughout this episode, we enter into the beautiful whirlwind of Justine's life and what it's like to be a young adult woman who is fully embracing the challenges and blessings of being an athlete on a college campus. Justine chats about her cheer team, time management and leading a bible study as a student leader. Justine also helps us to realize that the ¨secret ingredient¨ to life is to place Christ in the center. Smoothie: Banana, strawberries, mango & almond milk!