Roll Play

Roll Play - Episode 6 - Women's Institute Summer Fete



England, 1967 - in the swinging Sixties the Women’s Institute is still going strong, even more so with trend of younger more independent women joining the organisation both to meet other women, and to uphold the more traditional aspect of the WI.In the small town of Countenance a group of WI members prepare the upcoming County Fete. Countenance’s WI has failed to win any prizes in the past ten years in the face of the talent of the Women’s Institute groups from the three surrounding villages: Mountain Greens, Cirrus Hill, and Satanic Mills. However, this year, headstrong and cunning Penelope and her gang of friends have set out to win all three of the prizes at this year's fete in the name of Countenance’s WI! Their start point is to consult the ever-wise matriarch of Countenance’s WI… Mama Cass…