Doc Thompson

Who's the Alpha Male?, Poor Elon Musk, & Chef Patrick - 7/11/18



The Morning Blaze Topics: Hour 1 MSNBC is uncovering some very important information… Calling Trump a Russian Spy?... We go over a list of traits that describe alpha males… Who is more of an alpha male Trump or Trudeau?... Mitch McConnell is the main topic on The View.  Hour 2 Elon Musk was rejected when he tried to offer some help in rescuing the soccer team stuck in a flooded cave in Thailand… Kris sticks up for his lover… Chef Patrick talks about the farming of the future… Starbucks to remove all plastic straws… Chef Patrick vs Guy Fieri battle for Walk of Fame star. Hour 3 Trump will fix your tie don’t worry… Roblox is a game similar to Sims but targeted for younger kids… Mother saw her daughter being ‘sexually violated’ in the game… Did it really happen and is it even possible to happen?... Callers talk about their Roblox experience. To see more from Doc, visit his channel on TheBlaze and listen live to &