Tactical Talk With Allison Barrie

Farm Boy to Fighter Pilot



Whatever your mission, whatever your battle, after today's show you will be armed with insider tactics to win - and win decisively. Our guest F-15 fighter pilot James Murphy has succeeded in bottling the warrior ethos. He's hooking you up with the formula for warrior style victory. His techniques work anywhere and everywhere...for example, he has worked closely with professional sports teams so Allison asks him to share what it was like working with the NFL team - New York Giants- on their path to winning the Super Bowl - using fighter pilot techniques. Lots of sports in this episode. Back in Kentucky, Murphy was a talented baseball player so you get to find out today what baseball and flying the world's most powerful jets have in common. He will blow your mind with his tales of life inside one of the world’s top fighter squadrons. Murphy takes you inside supersonic jet combat at 48,000 feet in a way that you will feel like you are there inside the cockpit. Find out the key to solving une