Relics Of Orr

Relics of Orr 183 - These Aren't the Wet Bandits...



In which Greibach loses track of the episode number, Spirit can't articulate very well, and Vrabin gets real excited about BANDITS. BIG SPOILER BOUNCER SAYS: In this episode we draw on lore from all over the game, including Personal Story and Living Story, Dungeons, Raids 1 and 2, Guild Wars 1 pretty much all at once to discuss the bandit storyline. If you have major concerns about any of these being spoiled for you, proceed only with extreme caution. Mail TIIIME Greibach! Spirit! You adorable ragamuffins! Hail my friends, it’s Old Timey Fend. You know, from Tyria? Anywho, I was just preparin’ a heaping bowl of my famous Meaty Wurm Surprise when a question came to mind. Sadly, that question almost immediately disappeared into the inky blackness of Old Timey’s mind-hole, but then I spotted a band of roaming bandits out my wind-er and it got me thinking: With all the hubbub about the White Mantle makin’ a comeback, do you think we’ll be seein’ (or slayin’) any of those darn Mur-sits anytime soon? Last Old Timey