Saints Unscripted

What Do Mormons Do on Sunday?



How do you keep the Sabbath day holy? Saints Unscripted discuss their views on Sabbath day observance and what we should do to keep the Sabbath day holy.   Shelley believes that Sunday is God’s day. All of the things that we do on the Sabbath day should relate back to God and be the kinds of things that God would want us to do on the Sabbath. She believes that going out to eat and watching sports on Sundays is wrong. Because there is a time set aside on Monday nights for Family Home Evening, we can eat out and watch sports during those times, instead of on Sundays.    Kwaku thinks that on Sunday you should be reading your scriptures, dedicating time to the Lord, and providing service to others. That service can come from many different opportunities like cleaning, home and visiting teaching, or serving the homeless. He believes those are things that anyone can do while keeping the Sabbath day holy.   Ian believes that you need to try your hardest to work 5 or 6 days of the week, and not be