Old Books New Thought

Ep. 70 | Your Invisible Power – Part 5



EP070 Show Notes In Episode 70, co-hosts Kim-Char Meredith, Sharon Dziubski and Rev. Mary Beth Speer discuss ideas presented in “Your Invisible Power” by Geneviève Behrend (Part 5). CHAP. 7 - Things to Remember (In Using Your Thought Power for the Production of New Conditions): Be sure of what conditions you want to produce; What is your why? Concentrating the creative action of Spirit; Objective and Subjective Mind (Iceberg); Updating the subconscious; Relax - strenuous effort defeats your purpose; You don’t have to grunt to grow; Hold your picture in a cheerful frame; What you really want is expansion - what does it matter what channel it reaches you by?; Mary Morrissey - the green balloon story; I have to let go of how [my good] is going to show up; ‘Evidentials' - tracking the manifestations; Daniel Nahmod, ‘I Learn and I Forget’; Operating from the True Self (back to the first order of business - what are you?); Labels as limitations.