The Quantum Communicator

Does fear actually exist? - With Tiphanie Jamison VanDerLugt



Fear is a part of our everyday lives, but does fear really exist?  What do you think? Today's guest, Tiphanie Jamison VanDerLugt, talks about whether fear is something that we need to overcome, or whether fear is something that doesn't even exist in the first place! As the World’s #1 RADICAL True Self Facilitator, in demand, author, speaker and trainer, Tiphanie Jamison VanDerLugt, Esq.’s fresh, FUN, energetic, insightful perspective to life and living invites you to break the personal development rules and move beyond what she wittingly refers to as “The Self-Help Trifecta” i.e. the Positives, the “Big Why” and the “Success Mindsets” into the expansive limitless possibilities of Self-Expertise. When you are a “Self-Expert”, says, Tiphanie, “…you save yourself time, energy, money and peace of mind, by knowing, what decisions to make, actions to take and what is right for you, with joy, ease and confidence.