The Quantum Communicator

"Can I 'Hardwire' my brain for Happiness?" - Best-Selling Author Dr. Rick Hanson



Why is it easier to ruminate over hurt feelings than it is to bask in the warmth of being appreciated? Because your brain evolved to learn quickly from bad experiences but slowly from the good ones.   You can change this, according to my Guest for today's episode, neuropsychologist and New York Times best-selling author Dr. Rick Hanson.   Hardwiring Happiness lays out a simple method that uses the hidden power of everyday experiences to build new neural structures full of happiness, love, confidence, and peace. Dr. Hanson’s four steps build strengths into your brain— balancing its ancient negativity bias—making contentment and a powerful sense of resilience the new normal. In mere minutes each day, we can transform our brains into refuges and power centers of calm and happiness.