Talk Box Radio With Lisa Erhard

What's Your Problem? "Help me deal with Holiday Stress!"



Please visit for show updates and more!  Follow our podcast, like us on Facebook. Tell your friends and please call in!  We want to hear from you! - Lisa Erhard, your Talk Box Radio host  " BREAK FREE from being stuck, overwhelmed, and stressed to live a life of PASSION, PURPOSE, POWER, joy and fulfillment! " Holiday stress getting to you?    TalkBoxRadio warmly welcomes: Sharissa Sebastian, who'll be giving helpful and inspiring tips about how you can survive and enjoy this holiday season without becoming overly stressed by family, extended family, social, cultural expectations and pressures. Sharissa Sebastian is a life and leadership coach for women. Her passion is helping women break free from being stuck, overwhelmed, and stressed to live a life of passion, purpose, joy and fulfillment. She worked in the corporate world for over 12 years holding various leadership positions and has always had a desire to help women succeed and live their best life. She currently serves on the board