Talk Box Radio With Lisa Erhard

What's Your Problem? - My Teenager is driving me crazy! -1



Hello and welcome to " What's Your Problem?"  The show that listens to you, then talks back!    It's the show that lets you get advice and give advice!! Tonight's topic is "My teenager is driving me crazy!" Do you have a defiant backtalking angry teenager or two? Do you need a place to just vent about it or maybe toss around some ideas to help you manage your angry teen so that you're not constantly exhausted and at the bitter end of your extremely frayed rope? I KNOW there's an audience for this topic!!!  What parent hasn't dealt with this issue at one time or another? Please call in to discuss your experiences and give advice to  or ask for advice from our listeners about techniques that work with angry teenagers so that they are not totally taking over your household and creating chaos!! It's time to take your life back!    Enjoy the show, and please call in or join the chatroom!