Nerd Nation Radio

Nerd Nation enters the void with Gateway Runners



Gene and Siike return for what might be their farewell to BlogTalkRadio. It's be a very nerdy few years, but with the show evolving into a new format, with new segements, topics, and more, it makes sense for the boys to bid farewell to the network that gave them their first home and explore the land of the unknown. On this final episode, Gene and Siike talk about their current and past projects, as well as give a glimpse into what their futures hold. After years of selling, buying, reading, trading, and talking about comic books, Gene Hoyle is launching his first book as a creator, and you can help bring that vision to life by pledging to his Kickstarter, GATEWAY RUNNERS.  Get the details on GATEWAY RUNNERS and everything else Nerd Nation right now! Tune in, nerd out!