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Monday Morning Ra-Ra: Get Inspired for the Week & Healers Spotlight



In this episode you will get your insights for the week using the Osho Zen cards. Decompress from the holiday and know you are on the right track.  Healers Spot-light will help you connect with powerful healers to help you get you what you need to start your year off right.  *******Follow Us******* BLOG TALK RADIO - FACEBOOK - HOLISTICSPEAKERSGUILD - About Kyra Schaefer, Kyra Schaefer was brought up outside of Richmond, Virginia. After her father died when she was 3 years old her mother was dedicated to raising her with all the tools she needed to be a successful, dedicated and caring adult. Following an abusive relationship Kyra knew she had to change her life quickly. Studying and practicing multiple healing modalities including hypnosis she was able to cure herself of crippling anxiety and depression. Using what she learned she became dedicated to help to heal the world of anxi