Natalie Pace

The Prosperity Game



The Billionaire Game is a great game to play in January -- designed to have you break through the walls of your own limitations and ask and answer the question, "How would I live if I had all of the money in the world?" Envision your future. Walk toward it. And you are far more likely to get there... This game helps. Learn how you can activate your budget, income, investing, actions, skill set and mindset to start experiencing prosperity, abundance, financial freedom, greater health and a lot more fun here and now.  Get The ABCs of Money that we all should have received in high school now, and you'll receive my 2014 Crystal Ball predictions for real estate, stocks, bonds, gold and more. Click on the link directly below to order the print edition of The ABCs of Money now. The ABCs of Money on Amazon (POD) The Fire Ritual is another great game to play in January. Release the past by envisioning and enacting the solutions to your problems (instead of stewing in worry, regret or vengean