Saints Unscripted

Living with Bipolar Disorder



In this episode, Hannah talks to us about mental illness. She has been living with bi-polar disorder for many years. She talks about the stigma behind bi-polar and other mental illnesses, as well as how to navigate life while also dealing with mental illness.  Justin also talks about his struggle with depression and emphasizes how important it is to get professional help, as also strongly suggested by Jeffrey R. Holland who recently gave a talk on mental illness. Hannah's biggest piece of advice to those struggling with mental illness is to look for help. Don't give up on finding the right therapist and medication for you. It's going to be okay. ❤ Members of the Church of Jesus Christ Christ of Latter-day Saints (also called Mormons or LDS) believe in utilizing doctors and medication to help us navigate this life. We don't believe that scripture reading or church attendance is going to cure everyone from mental and emotional illnesses (just as it likely won't cure us of physical problems such as a brok