Angry Devas Radio Show

Angry Devas Radio: BISEXUAL BLACK MEN?? The bar is now on the FLOOR!



Feminine Pleasure Privilege is always encouraged to be sacrificed for some man's desires. No way I'm dating a bi-sexual man. Especially not in the AIDS capital of the world.... don't be stupid. This system is determined to divorce us from our Sacerdotal Authority and Power. Only the Sovereign, the Savvy, the Worthy will enter to reclaim what is theirs. Learn more here:   Dear bw: No. you do not have to accept a bisexual man to have love. But you might have to expand your dating options, to have ACCESS to SAFE, CLEAN, LOYAL, HONORABLE MEN who will love you and cherish you.  They are telling you to accept bisexual men because black males are gay and down low. And they know we aren't here for a gay partner or a down low partner. We want heterosexual Masculine men who are honorable providers and protectors. You, just like every other race of woman on this earth, have a RIGHT to that. Do not let them fool you, sway you or deceive you.  Say NO to bisexual men. Say no to the higher risk