Dr. Arlene Barro

The Top 5 Resume Mistakes that MUST be Eliminated



  "The Top 5 Resume Mistakes that MUST be Eliminated on Resumes: Which mistakes are you making?"   On WIN Without Competing! Dr. Arlene will debunk common myths, misconceptions, and assumptions about resumes and share the secrets of a Right Fit Resume. Do not assume that if someone else is writing your resume for you that employers will flock to you. You need to evaluate the quality of your resume. To do that, you must recognize the top 5 resume mistakes which Dr. Arlene has identified and figure out which mistakes you are making.   Take the time create a Right Fit Resume. Remember the success of your job search is all up to you. Dr. Arlene will share her resume strategies. Can you implement them? You will find out soon enough!