Dr. Arlene Barro

Storyteller Stars: Grace Tiscareno-Sato and Dr. Helen Hurst



"Storyteller Stars from WIN Without Competing! Propelled by Passion: Grace Tiscareno-Sato and Dr. Helen Hurst" On WIN Without Competing! Dr. Arlene will interview two of her nine storytellers who shared their stories in her book, WIN Without Competing!. Grace Tiscareno-Sato, the storyteller star of Chapter 2, Your Core Identity: Know Thyself Now, gave us a glimpse of her journey from architecture to military aviation, to global marketing and communications. Today, Grace is an entrepreneur, author of an innovative book (May 2011) Latinnovating: Green American Jobs and the Latinos Creating Them and advocate for… Grace, the mother of three children, never stops creating. Helen Hurst, the storyteller star of Chapter 14, The Right Fit: An Approach to Life, shares her romantic love story of how she met Mike, a handsome pilot, who was 18 years older. Mike would later become her husband and the father of their two children. Many readers wept as they read Helen’s story and experienced her pain. Dr. Arlene’s advice to