Literary Speaking

Hiring a Book Publicist with Cameron Dezen Hammon



Book publicist and author Cameron Dezen Hammon discusses the work of a book publicist, which social media avenues to explore and which ones not to waste money on. She also shares the value of Bookstagrammers and what it's like working with a book publicist to market your book. Cameron believes good publicity is about finding what’s newsworthy about you and your book and amplifying that message. It’s about getting your book into the hands of reviewers, interviewers, and influencers who will share it with their networks. She also offers services in building your online presence, media coaching, and book launch event planning. Cameron Dezen Hammon’s writing has appeared in Ecotone, The Rumpus, The Literary Review, The Butter, Nylon, Them, The Houston Chronicle, and more. Her essay “Infirmary Music” was named a notable in The Best American Essays 2017. She’s contributed to several anthologies and is the co-founder of The Slant reading series, host of The Ish Podcast, and her debut book This Is My Body: A Memoir