Literary Speaking

Fathers, Food & Memoir: How to Write & Market a Food Memoir



Fathers, Food & Memoir with Dawn Lerman & Crystal-lee Quibell discusses how to write a memoir that includes recipes and family memories. Dawn also shares how she began writing for the New York Times as a food columnist & secured her literary agent. Dawn Lerman is the author of My Fat Dad. A certified nutrition expert and contributor to the New York Times Well Blog, as well as the founder of the Magnificent Mommies, a company specializing in personal, corporate and school-based education. Crystal-Lee Quibell is the host of Literary Speaking, a weekly podcast dedicated to helping writers learn from best-selling authors, literary agents, and publishers. Founder of The Magical Writers Group, a private teaching forum for writers specifically focused on memoir. She is a champion for the written word, student of publishing and an obsessive book collector with a serious case of wanderlust. A self-described mermaid and witchy woman for life, she believes that life is better with books, chocolate, and the