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You gotta write for an audience | Independent game journalist Steven "holoz0r"



Title: You gotta write for an audience | Steven - Independent gaming journalist Guest: Steven - Independent gaming journalist Steemit: Twitter: @holoz0r Highlights: Steven studied visual arts at university with the aim to get into video game development or video game storytelling. Got his first console from his grandparents, and eventually graduated to playing PC games at school. At the same time, he started writing his school projects in the style of the Australian magazine PC Power Play. While playing online multiplayer games he got involved with managing servers and players as an admin, which lead to working for Then someone suggested that he applied for the role of community manager for World in Conflict, a strategy game developed by Massive and published by Vivendi. The community role lead to writing guides and articles. But a change in management meant that he found himself in disagreement with an editor, and so he quit the writing job in protest. Steven is very intere